Icon Hair

The cycles of hair growth

After starting your treatment in Frankfurt, it is important to pay attention to the hair growth cycle. Why this has to be considered, you will find here.

the cycle

The different growth phases of a hair

Each hair goes through several cycles in the course of growth. The telogen phase (resting phase) and the anagen phase (growth phase) play a role for us. During the telogen phase (resting phase), the hair is not fed because there is no connection between the hair and the hair root. As a result, the hair can not grow and rest instead. While the hair is in the anagen phase (growth phase), there is a connection and it can grow.

groth cycles hair information graphic

Treatment rhythm for permanent* hair removal

Is there anaything you have to look after when you have started your treatment for hair removal in Frankfurt concerning the hair growth cycle? Yes, because you have to monitor the different hair growth phases. If you cannot avoid taking a longer break from treatment, e. g. during a holiday, you should consider this in advance.

The rest and growth phase

Only in the active phase (anagen phase) of the hair can a treatment be performed reliably. The connection between the hair root and the hair ensures that the light of XENOgel® Technology reaches the hair root. There, the hair root is denatured by the heat of light and the nutrient supply is interrupted. As a result of the lack of nutrient supply, this hair then falls out.

About 10% of the hair is in the active phase at the same time. The remaining 90% are therefore at rest. A hair enters the active growth phase every 4 to 8 weeks and can therefore be treated. After completion of the active phase, this hair rests then for 9×4 to 9×8 weeks. It is also important to note that each hair cycle is individual.

Diagramm englisch hair growth
Youtube Link Wachstumsphasen

Recommended treatment cycle

4 weeks: bikini zone, armpits, armpits, intimate area

6 weeks: foot, thigh, lower leg, abdomen, chest, tits, buttocks, back, neck, shoulder, forearm, upper arm, hands

8 weeks: neck, head, face, upper lip, chin


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Phone069 / 870 097 90


Mail: info@haarfreiheit-frankfurt.de


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